Volcanic Stone Quarries - Peperino Natural Stone

Peperino is a volcanic rock. The ancient material erupted from the volcano Cimino has created a plateau with a radius of about 15 km.

Because of its origin, peperino has special technical, mechanical and aesthetical features and is weather-proof.

Its name derives from the late Latin lapis “peperinus”, coming from “piper” (pepper), due to the presence of black biotite particles like pepper corns.

History itself vouches for this stone, used since Palaeolithic Age, then by the Etruscans (sarcophagi) and the Romans (public building), up to the Middle Ages and Renaissance, when it became the predominant construction and building material.

Peperino stone quarries: natural stone of volcanic origin

In our territory peperino is the stone par excellence.

During the Etruscan and Roman civilizations peperino was used for the building of Ferento Roman theatre, near Viterbo. In the Middle Ages it was used for the construction of S. Pellegrino quarter in Viterbo as well as typical villages like Vitorchiano and Soriano nel Cimino.

The marvellous Villa Lante in Bagnaia and Palazzo Farnese in Caprarola testify the importance of this stone in the Renaissance.

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Build with stone…Forever

Micci Srl – Località Fraticani – 01038 Soriano nel Cimino – Viterbo
Telefono 0761-744090 – Fax 0761-747127
P.IVA/Cod. Fisc. IT01460460569 – CAP. SOC. 30.988,00 Euro Int. Vers.
REA VT-88087 – Iscr. Reg. Impr. VT 25/11/1994

Trachite Grigia Lavica® e Peperino Rosa® sono marchi registrati
dalla società Micci Srl. © 2017 Micci Srl